

Dear Lord, purify me that I may reverently and devotedly prepare my heart to receive thee. I detest all the sins of my whole life because they displease thee. I am heartily sorry for the sins which I have committed against the divine sacrament through negligence in guarding my senses, particularly my tongue which has been so often consecrated by your divine presence, and has been stained by so many sins. Oh divine Jesus, what confusion I feel at beholding myself so unworthy to approach your Holy table. Let this Holy COMMUNION not bring me condemnation, but health of mind and body. Amen!



I give you thanks, Holy Lord, Father Almighty, everlasting God, who had condescended to feed me a sinner, Your unworthy servant, for no merits of my own, but only out of the goodness of Your great mercy, with the precious Body and Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and I pray you, that this Holy Communion may be to me, not guilt for punishment, but a saving intercession for pardon. Let it be to me, an armour of Faith and a shield of goodwill. Let it be to me, a casting out of vices, a driving away of all evil desires and fleshy lusts; an increase of charity, patience, humility, obedience, and all. virtues; a firm defence against the plots of all enemies, both seen and unseen; a perfect quieting of all motions of sin, both in my flesh and spirit, a firm cleaving unto You, the only and true God, and at the end of my life, a happy death. And I pray through Your compassion to bring me, a sinner, to that. Great Feast, where You with Your Son and the Holy Spirit, are to Your Holy ones true light, full satisfaction, everlasting joy, consummate pleasure and perfect happinness. Amen.

Oh Sacrament Most Holy, Oh Sacrament Divine.

All Praise and All Thanksgiving be every Moment Thine (3x)

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