Who is a confusionist? Someone that gives new information that contradicts an already existing information widely known by people. This Bashir Musa(No picure yet, but you can view his picture on his FB page) is a typical example. Bashir on his facebook page gave another reason Aishat committed suicide.

For the past few days, the story that has been trending online is that of Aishat Omolola~ a 300level student of ABU, Zaria that commited suicide.

Before committing suicide,late Aishat penned down a note. In the note, she said her family, especially her parents should be held responsible for her death. She called her mum a biopolar (You may have to google thay Bashir) and a frustrated being who used to call her a witch (Bashir, go and ask most Nigerian ladies, they would tell you that there was a time their mum used to call them a witch; no be today).

Moving on, there was no place in the letter where the late Aishat siad her mum hated her because she was against her conversion from Christianity to Islam.

So why are you “Bashir” adding to the letter of the dead. Why are you trying to cause more confusion to the already existing confusion in the country?

View late Aishat’s letter here

View Bashirs FB post here

People should please always write and talk with suffienct understanding. They should be guided!

@bashirmusa #bashirmusa


#Dontcauseconfusion #in #Nigeria #We #Are #One #Christian #or #Muslim

Follow on IG @ogefash_july4

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